Thursday, Montavilla Portland, MMXIX
Moments after a bemused smirk at a Washington-plated Porsche’s subtle Star Wars reference faded, I steeled myself and refocused on the mission at hand. Asking that comparative lit major that had captivated and occupied my attention out.
Thoughts turned to enthralling conversations about Algerian authors, musings about mythology, and perhaps reading Rumi to each other alongside a riverbank while crystal clear water cools a bottle of cava.
And then…
My over-laden leather bag’s strap surrendered and plummeted to the pavement. I like to take risks – often unnecessary – but not reinforcing non-saddle stitched straps on a vintage bag was, simply put, silly.
A broken bag was not the bella figura called for on this occasion.
I didn’t have time in the moment to find a nearby blackberry bush and conjure cordage, or to fashion something salvaged, but… as of late, I almost always have a carabiner and a clip or two on hand. You might want to too.
A quick fix later and the buckle was back in service, onward I went.
Edit post-facto… well drat! It turns out she’s married… But, the lessons about connection, literal and figurative, are ones I’ll carry onward. / end edit.
In the last year, I’ve used carabiners and clips to elevate impromptu cooking platforms when wire and wood were in short supply, keep bear spray on hand while hiking, in hail, through Yellowstone’s Lamar valley and more frequently for mundane tasks like readily swapping out different key configurations depending on what the days mischief calls for.
Connections are important and – when most significant – rarely predictable.
I receive no recompense for recommending these, but I like the following:
Though they’re a wee bit smaller than I’d like, the Maratac bronze and titanium clips are perfect for every day carry and key ring purposes.
For heavier duty needs, I utilize Liberty Mountain’s offerings.