Where am I? What is this?

You’re with a select few, daring, sorts eager to discard the herd, face worthy challenges, and seek the unknown places that still call to something primal,  fierce, and free within us all.

We equip aspiring gentlemen like you with the tools and ambitions that enable deeper — more meaningful — experiences and the pursuit of bolder lives.

Legacy Goods

Only well made items endure the rigors of a life well-lived and earn the right to become artifacts. We are not easily sated by lesser and fleeting fare, because… no one passes on their grandfather’s tweet.

Everything on offer should serve you well.

On a wild hunt

Called to adventure, to something better? Join us on a quest to make the world around us, and ourselves, more noble.

Who or what is a veld?

Plains, pampas, prairie, veld, veldt, or velt — whatever you call the locale — there are still, untamed, unbroken, spaces that beckon us to roam.

Who’s behind this… where did the Whisky go?

Born in the former Transvaal (South Africa) and raised where Lewis and Clark’s Corps of Discovery launched, Juard is a traveler and mischief maker with a lot to learn.

As we grow, others with far-ranging backgrounds and insights will share their experiences too. One day, perhaps around a campfire, you might be asked to do so too.

But for now… one more dram.

What next?

Interested in pursuing something meaningful? Eager to cast-off the smothering trappings of mediocrity? Me too, let’s mischief!

Sign up for our email dispatch and join a tribe of aspiring adventurers. Acquire a future artifact through our shop and share your ensuing stories.

Or, pull up a chair and give our archives of  dearly-won insights and misadventures.


My views are entirely my own, yours should be too.

How do I get in touch?

Since a good Heligoraph operator is hard to find, give us a shout at Cheers [at] VeldBorn.com